4 Tips to Help You Write Great Blog Titles

You work hard to make your blog successful. You come up with relevant topics, tailor the information to your buyer personas, keep SEO in mind as you write each post, and spend the time to find attractive photos to encourage viewers to read them. These steps are not enough to optimize your blog posts, though.
A great title can make the difference between a popular and productive post and one that goes unnoticed. Titles are important because they appear in search engine results, RSS feeds, and social media sites. The following tips can help you come up with blog titles that grab readers’ attention and entice them to keep reading.
1. Use Keywords Wisely
Well-chosen and well-placed keywords grab people’s attention, and they improve search engine results. When possible, include one or more relevant keywords near the beginning of your blog post title. You do not need to pack keywords into your title if they do not flow logically. Your blog post already has sufficient SEO because of its keywords, meta tags, and quality content. Keyword stuffing will only make your title look silly, and will not convince a potential reader to spend time reading your blog post.
2. Involve the Reader Directly
Use the second-person narrative voice (“you”) in your title to engage readers before they even start reading your post content. This approach lets readers know that you are talking directly to them and are planning to present information that they do not want to miss. If your company sells cookware or bakeware, for example, you might title your post, “How You Can Get Perfect Pancakes Every Time” instead of “Making Perfect Pancakes Is Easy!”
3. Keep It Relevant
The title should accurately describe what the post is about. If the title is misleading, the reader will not continue reading and is unlikely to complete the desired action, such as visiting your company’s website or “liking” the post. Although an interesting irrelevant title can grab the reader’s attention, it can lead the reader to conclude that your blog – and therefore your company – is not credible. If your blog post is about the benefits of topical vitamin A for the skin, don’t label it, “Summer Superfoods That You Can’t Miss!”
4. Use Numbered Lists
A blog post title that describes a numbered list lets potential readers know exactly what to expect from your post. Consumers who need ideas for party crafts may be more interested in clicking on a blog post that promises to provide “10 Easy Craft Ideas for Your Next Party” than “Craft Ideas for Your Next Party” because they know that they will get 10 ideas from your post.
Think you're reading to craft some great blog titles? Check out some of our other tips on blogging:

July 16, 2014