5 Tips to Improve Your AdWords Conversions

Many businesses jump into an AdWords campaign thinking it will be a panacea for all their advertising concerns and woes. But like any other aspect of marketing, an AdWords campaign takes hard work to be truly effective. Here are five tips to help you make sure your ad gets the highest number of clicks to achieve the greatest ROI:
Focus on your landing page.
When designing an AdWords campaign, it’s easy to get caught up in selecting and bidding on keywords, and even the design of the ad itself. But unless your ad leads to a compelling landing page instead of your home page or generic products or services page, you’re probably losing out on many of your conversion opportunities. Having dedicated landing pages is a great way to track results, but even more importantly, it’s also a great way to make sure the material you’re providing is custom-tailored to your audience. By designing your ads to target the pain points your potential customers are experiencing, you can make sure the page they land on is crafted to speak directly to those needs.
Think local.
Local search has always been important, but until recently, many businesses overlooked this type of optimization in favor of broader search terms aimed at the worldwide market. But with the rise of mobile devices, local search has become even more critical to make sure you stand out among your competitors. If you haven’t updated your AdWords campaign to attract your local market, you’re missing out on one of the most rapidly evolving areas of search.
Use the AdWords ad gallery.
Your AdWords ad is no place to be shy. You have a small space to convey what needs to be said to achieve the highest CTR possible, so make it a point to create a compelling reason to click by adding product images and even your logo to differentiate yourself from your competitors. For example, potential customers can interact with your ads, such as scroll between images and tabs, and watch videos.
Be adaptive and responsive.
Keep an eye on what your competitors are doing and track all your data regularly so you can adjust bids to keep your ROI as high as possible. AdWords provides built-in conversion tracking, but did you know you can also link Google Analytics to your tracking and reporting for the most comprehensive data? Analytics lets you monitor the entire flow of customers, not just AdWords conversions, so you can identify areas of your site that may need a little attention as well as features and content that are particularly interesting to your customers. And, you can track conversions from non-AdWords sources too. Got your campaign up and running? Check out what mistakes to avoid that bleed campaigns of money.
Designing an initial campaign and making sure it evolves and adapts on a regular and ongoing basis is hard work, but don’t be discouraged – you don’t need to go it alone: Hiring a company that specializes in AdWord campaigns is a much simpler way to make sure you can have all the advantages of Adwords without taking time away from your business.

May 16, 2014