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Fixing a Broken Customer Journey: How Marketing, Sales, & Service Alignment Can Help

A seamless customer journey is the backbone of any successful business. When your marketing, sales, and service teams work in harmony, prospects flow smoothly from the initial touchpoint to becoming loyal customers. But when that journey is broken, growth stalls and frustration grows.

Are leads falling through the cracks? Do your teams struggle to work together? If so, your business might be dealing with a broken customer journey. In this post, we'll highlight the most obvious symptoms and explain how aligning your marketing, sales, and service teams can get things back on track.


Symptom 1: Lead Drop-offs or Missed Opportunities

🔍 What’s Happening: Leads are coming in, but they’re not converting into paying customers. Maybe sales isn’t following up on leads quickly enough, or they claim the leads they receive aren’t qualified. As a result, potential opportunities are slipping through the cracks, and your pipeline isn’t as full as it should be.

👎 How This Hurts Growth: Missed opportunities translate directly to lost revenue. When leads fall off, your sales team isn’t maximizing its potential, which can lead to stagnation. Over time, this reduces the efficiency of your marketing and sales spend, making it harder to achieve predictable growth.

✨ How Alignment Solves It: By aligning your marketing and sales teams around clear goals, shared KPIs, and a unified system like HubSpot CRM, both teams gain complete visibility into the lead funnel. Lead scoring ensures that only qualified leads are passed to sales, and automated handoff processes guarantee timely follow-ups, so no lead is left behind.


Symptom 2: Inconsistent Customer Experience Across Touchpoints

🔍 What’s Happening: Customers receive mixed messages at different stages of their journey. What marketing promotes may not align with what sales promises, and service might not even know what was discussed during the sale. This creates confusion and frustration for customers, who expect a consistent experience throughout their interaction with your company.

👎 How This Hurts Growth: A disjointed customer experience erodes trust, making it difficult to build long-term relationships. If prospects or customers feel like they’re being passed from one department to another with conflicting information, they’re less likely to stick around, let alone recommend your business to others.

✨ How Alignment Solves It: Marketing, sales, and service alignment ensures a unified customer journey. With HubSpot’s CRM, all teams have access to the same customer data, communication history, and notes. This transparency enables everyone to deliver a consistent message, ensuring smooth transitions from one stage to the next and building a stronger connection with customers.


Symptom 3: Long Sales Cycles with Low Close Rates

🔍 What’s Happening: Your sales process drags on, with multiple touchpoints and minimal progress. Leads get stuck in the pipeline, and sales struggles to close deals. This often happens because sales is either chasing the wrong leads or lacks the tools and insights to accelerate the process.

👎 How This Hurts Growth: The longer it takes to close a deal, the more resources you waste. Sales cycles that stretch out unnecessarily lead to missed quotas, slower revenue growth, and an overall decline in business performance.

✨ How Alignment Solves It: With aligned teams, your marketing department can nurture leads before they reach sales, ensuring only the most qualified prospects enter the pipeline. HubSpot’s automation and lead scoring tools streamline this process, helping sales reps focus on leads that are ready to convert. This reduces the length of sales cycles and improves close rates.


Symptom 4: Poor Customer Retention and High Churn Rates

🔍 What’s Happening: You’re able to acquire customers, but keeping them is a challenge. After the sale, customers may feel neglected or unsupported. Service teams might not be aware of the customer's history, leading to inconsistent or reactive support, and ultimately causing customers to leave.

👎 How This Hurts Growth: High churn rates are a significant roadblock to growth. Acquiring new customers is far more expensive than retaining existing ones, so poor retention dramatically increases your cost of acquisition while reducing lifetime customer value.

✨ How Alignment Solves It: Aligning marketing, sales, and service teams ensures that the customer journey doesn’t stop after the sale. With HubSpot’s Service Hub, service teams can access the same data as marketing and sales, allowing them to provide proactive, personalized support. By automating post-sale engagement and creating clear customer feedback loops, you’ll boost retention and reduce churn, driving long-term growth.


Symptom 5: Manual Processes That Slow Teams Down

🔍 What’s Happening: Your teams are bogged down by repetitive, manual tasks. Marketing manually tracks leads, sales follows up via email one by one, and service teams are managing support requests without automation. These manual processes are not only time-consuming but also prone to human error.

👎 How This Hurts Growth: When your teams spend their time on mundane tasks, they have less capacity to focus on what matters most—building relationships and growing your business. This inefficiency makes it difficult to scale operations and limits overall productivity.

✨ How Alignment Solves It: By aligning teams through HubSpot’s automated workflows, you can eliminate manual processes across marketing, sales, and service. Tasks like lead nurturing, email follow-ups, and ticket management can be automated, giving your teams more time to focus on strategic initiatives. This increases productivity and enables your business to scale more effectively.


Symptom 6: Confusion Over KPIs and Accountability

🔍 What’s Happening: Your marketing, sales, and service teams are operating in silos, each with their own KPIs and objectives. Marketing is focused on lead generation, sales is chasing deals, and service is responding to customer issues. But no one knows how their efforts impact the overall customer journey, and accountability is unclear.

👎 How This Hurts Growth: When teams don’t share goals or understand how their work contributes to the bigger picture, it creates confusion and inefficiency. This misalignment leads to missed opportunities, wasted resources, and slower growth.

 ✨ How Alignment Solves It: Alignment means shared KPIs and accountability across departments. With HubSpot’s unified CRM, all teams can track and report on key metrics like lead-to-customer conversion rates, sales cycle length, and customer satisfaction. By sharing these metrics on a cross-departmental dashboard, everyone is accountable to the same goals, improving collaboration and driving results.


Aligning Teams to Fix a Broken Customer Journey

If you recognize any of these symptoms in your business, it’s likely that your customer journey is broken. Misaligned teams, manual processes, and poor visibility into customer data are all indicators that something is off. The good news? These issues can be resolved by aligning your marketing, sales, and service teams around shared goals and using a powerful CRM like HubSpot to streamline operations.

At Brightlark, we specialize in helping businesses fix their broken customer journeys by aligning teams and optimizing their HubSpot tools. Our expert team can help you close the gaps, create a seamless experience for your customers, and unlock scalable growth.

Ready to fix your customer journey and set your business up for success? Schedule a free consultation with our alignment experts at Brightlark today.

Matt Walde
Post by Matt Walde
October 17, 2024

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